CryoFX Co2 Info

CryoFX®, a leading global dealer in CO2 special effects has recently partnered with Optimus to deliver a custom Co2 system. The Co2 Special Effects system is on Optimus Prime replica vehicle; which displays around the nation at many different events.

Furthermore, CryoFX® is a renowned company located in San Diego, California. They are both manufacturers and distributors of Co2 Special Effects equipment. The company stays ahead of its competitors; by ensuring they supply quality and innovative equipment. CryoFX® can also customize these products according to their clients’ needs.

Although CryoFX® has a great technical team with the expertise to build customized Co2 special effects systems; it is also supported by a robust sales & support team and an aggressive marketing team. It also has one of the best warehouse teams to process orders and a competent management; that ensures everything in the business is working smoothly.


How did the partnership come about?

Joe Fiduccia , the owner of Optimus contacted CryoFX®, the CO2 special effects experts with a need of a fully custom CO2 system for his replica vehicle. The system enables CO2 clouds to be blown from the back, front, as well as tall smokestacks too bring Optimus to life. CryoFX® made this
possible within days of project acceptance.

How was this achieved?

Kris Mullins, the CEO and founder of CryoFX®, who also doubles as the CO2 systems engineer; designed the CO2 system and the electrical control systems. They are linked to ten valves and nozzles. While the whole project was complex initially; CryoFX® designed and built out both the CO2 System and electrical system to control it within 2 days.

They were able to complete everything and ship it in record time. The system took four days to install by Joe and his team along with the blueprints supplied by CryoFX® for assistance on both system install and electrical install.

The CO2 system comprise about sixteen custom cut CryoFX® High Pressure Co2 Hoses; with more than 130 feet total hose length combined. For more options and variety of the CryoFX® hoses and tanks, kindly check You will know more about the expert services and products.

CryoFX® designed an electrical system to control the CO2 Special Effects systems; per the detailed specifications by Joe Fiduccia of Optimus. The CO2 system uses two 35lb Co2 tanks with siphon tubes. The tanks are directly mounted behind the driver’s seat in the vehicle. This allows for easy exchange. The final result was impressive.

CryoFX® supplied ten CryoFX® vehicle rated CO2 valves with custom cut hoses to ensure it matched the schematics drawn for the system installation. Optimus would then be able to blow Co2 out of two outputs at the front, two at the back and the remaining six from the smokestacks fitted at the rear panel behind the cab.

Was the Custom Co2 System Project Successful?

CryoFX® made this a reality by using their experience and knowledge. They also made use of the clear design by Optimus as well as the detailed specifications by the Optimus Prime team. Joe had given CryoFX® team clear instructions of the design that they wanted as well as the expectation
of the outcome of the project.

The technical expertise demonstrated by CryoFX was essential in making the project a success. Not only were they able to perfectly piece up everything together, but also they did it remarkably well and very detailed. This is not the first of such vehicle projects that the CO2 special effects experts, CryoFX® have successfully undertaken and completed.  This is popular among players in the movie industry as well. An example is the vehicle projects for fast and furious and stunt cars for other past movies.

These types of projects have been Kris Mullins dream since his childhood. He has actually lived his dream and made it happen. He has turned his dream to a reality. This has been an inspiring partnership to him and along time vision Optimus Prime can now breathe smoke when it is about to transform. All thanks to the CryoFX team of experts.

CryoFX® Owner & CEO Kris Mullins asserts, “Adding Co2 Systems to vehicles is something I wanted to do since I was a kid. I had the lowrider trucks with airbags and saw the NOS systems blowing out of the hoods, I knew I could replicate this effect. Seeing our Co2 System on Optimus and our partnership has been inspiring and a long time vision, and working with Joe has been amazing! You’ll definitely be seeing more from us soon!

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