CryoFX Co2 Info

Thursday, January 29, 2015

CryoFX® Co2 Cannon – Co2 Canon for Sale

Yes you have seen them everywhere. The infamous Co2 Cannon. Whether it was at a club, on a music video, at a large scale event or by a friend at a backyard party, they are out there and they are in full effect. Whether you’ve seen it advertised as “Co2 Canon” or ” Co2 Cannon” the principle is the same, it’s a Handheld Co2 Cannon and it sprays liquid co2 at crowds of people by usage of an operator.  There are many models and styles but the general purpose is the same. Here, well talk about the few variations and what they offer.

The basic Co2 Cannon

The basic co2 canon is the most sought after piece of special effects equipment available. This lightweight handheld co2 cannon can be used by anyone, and due to its small size and lightweight, can be maneuvered and transported with ease. A few companies offer different styles online such as, or These styles range from metal to aluminum nozzles and come with a standard length hose. So far one company has their own branded hoses, CryoFX, which has been the standard hose in the industry for years.

The Dual Nozzle Co2 Cannon

The Dual Nozzle Co2 Canon is another very popular item. It combines the previously mentioned co2 cannon with simply another nozzle. So instead of having one nozzle, there are two nozzles, which shoot the stream of co2 in the same direction. Depending on the maker, some designed allow the user to adjust the angle of the nozzles so the streams can spray in different areas. This is useful if you are trying to cover more of an area with just one piece of equipment. Other features are normally the same since there is just another nozzle added on, however sometime there will be a handle added as well for further stability.


The Custom Logo Co2 Cannon

That’s right, the custom logo co2 canon features your custom logo on the co2 cannon itself. By means of uploading your custom image, the designers at CryoFX can format and place your logo directly onto your item. Depending on the style of Cryo Gun you purchased, the logo may be engraved or printed onto the nozzle. With CryoFX brand, other options include custom designed logos which contain a special hybrid of your logo and the CryoFX logo. This is a great marketing tool for yourself if your a Dj or a Nightclub or traveling entertainment act and want to showcase your brand as you go.


The Lighted Co2 Co2 Cannon

The step up from the standard Cryo gun is the lighted co2 canon. This style of handheld co2 cannon incorporates a light on the top which lights the stream of Co2 up as it shoots out of the end. This is an added feature which many take liking to as when it is used within a nightclub environment, or a dark non-lit area, the light will illuminate the cloud of co2 allowing the ability to see the cloud from across the room or area. Lenses can be placed over the light so different colors can be chosen. The light does not change the output at all and only adds minimal weight since it is similar to the weight of a flashlight. Depending on the model of lighted co2 cannon, you can adjust the zoom of the light for a larger or smaller circle of light, similar to a zoom on a flashlight. This model of co2 canon comes with a second handle for more control of where the unit will spray and also requires batteries for the light only.

 The LED Co2 Cannon


Many inquiries and conversations have evolved around the LED co2 canon. This by far is the most flashy style of co2 cannon. Some styles remains one color when lit and others will cycle through a preset band of colors, generally red, green, and blue. These items are also good for marketing as you can have your logo custom imprinted on the barrel so when the Cryo gun lights up it shows the brand or logo on the barrel for everyone to see. The output is the same and the weight is a little heavier than the standard basic unit. This style of co2 cannon also has a second handle to allow the user extra control as its a little longer than some of the other models previously discussed. The same goes for this style as the lighted style above, the led lights do not affect the output of the co2. Also with the previous style, this led co2 canon requires batters to illuminate the lights, again not affecting the output at all, just the lights.

All in all, regardless of which style or model of Co2 Cannon you end up getting, you are assured to have a great time and get out of it what you expected. Not only can they cool off the crowd and create an effect which is just now becoming widespread, but they will get you the attention you have always longed for regardless what it is you are going to use it for, whether it be a private event, a dj performance, an entertainment act, a concert, a nightclub or bar, special effects for a movie or film or any other type of event not listed here!

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