Captain Morgan uses Custom Cryo Cannonball from CryoFX for launch of Canon Blast

More info & full list of Co2 FX products: ★ ★ Captain Morgan launches its new Canon Blast Behind The Scenes: Captain Morgan launches its new Canon Blast with a party in Orlando, Florida featuring a real life human canon ball that blasts into the air. Actually, Captain Morgan contacted CryoFX® with a request […]
Steam, Fog and Smoke Effects using cryogenic Co2 Gas and Cryo Equipment

Cryogenic Fog Smoke Machines From CryoFX® What is Cryogenics? Cryogenics is the science of very cold. According to Wikipedia, in Physics, cryogenics is the study of the production and behaviour of materials at very low temperatures. Cryogenics goes beyond refigeration and typically starts at around -150 Celsius (123 K; -238 Fahrenheit). Cryogenics Co2 gases are […]
Cryogenics Special Effects Company CryoFX

CryoFx Co2 Equipment lets you create your own cryogenics special effects Cryogenics Special Effects from CryoFX Have you recently attended an EDM concert or any other music festival or musical performance, nightclubs or Bar? Did you notice smoke coming out of a stage, movie or music video? Have you noticed smoke special effects coming out […]
CryoFX indroduces new product page and faster checkout cart

CryoFX® CO2 Special Effect Company Login with your CryoFX Account or with Your Social Web CryoFX® is proud to introduce a new product page layout with easy to navigate product content and now an even easier way to customize the product you want. CryoFX® also introduces the industry’s fastest, easy yet secure checkout cart process ever; […]
Co2 Special Effects from CryoFX Are Safer and Cheaper Than Pyrotechnic Fireworks

Fireworks provide entertainment that is often showcased via brilliant aerial displays and a variety of vibrant sounds. However, certain safety hazards may result from pyrotechnic devices that are ignited with a live flame. The National Football League and other organizations might want to consider; the safety features of Co2 Special Effects Equipment versus a live […]
CryoFX rocks the biggest Music Festival Stages around the world – Beyond Wonderland
CryoFX® rocks the biggest Music Festival Stages around the world. Join us at Beyond Wonderland in 10 days, September 26 and 27th. Enjoy the show! If you see cryoFX and take pictures or videos, send it in, you can win a Gold Premium Co2 Gun! 619-855-2796. CryoFX® is the worldwide leader of custom co2 […]
CryoFX can custom build any CO2 Special Smoke Effect Equipment

CryoFX® can custom build CO2 Special Smoke Effect Equipment, even if it is a smoking Gorilla for your Stage event or concert or a smoking Dragon, Smoking Genie or Smoking Bag Pipes, CryoFX Cryogenic experts can custom build a unique Co2 Special Effect System just for you. #CryoFX #CO2Genie #CO2Dragon #CO2Gorilla #CO2bagpipes
CryoFX CO2 Special Effects Company partners with Montreal, Canada SWAT

Peel Regional Montreal Police Department SWAT Contacts CryoFX for Co2 Cannon Bazooka CryoFX® Co2 Special Effect Company is based in San Diego, California. We are the world wide leader of custom CO2 Smoke Effect Equipment. Our company was recently contacted by the Peel Regional Montreal Police Department SWAT with interest in getting a Co2 Cannon Bazooka […]
CryoFX® is the leader of Custom CO2 Stage Effect Equipment – Custom CO2 Dragon

Leader in Custom CO2 Stage Effect Equipment CryoFX® is the worldwide leader of custom co2 stage effects equipment. The Co2 Cryo Dragon custom equipment is designed and built for the The Labyrinth of Jareth Masquerade Ball. Also, CryoFX® has over fifty years of combined experience in manufacturing; custom co2 equipment as well as years of […]
CryoFX® Supplies Custom Special Effects Equipment for Comic-Con 2015

CO2 Special Effects Frozen Smoke Equipment for Sale by CryoFX July 17, 2015 – SAN DIEGO — Comic-Con 2015 was a sensational event that featured four information packed days about comics, film-making, iconic characters, cartoons, art forms and exhibits. The event was held downtown at the San Diego Convention Center from July 9, 2015 through July 12, 2015. Comic-Con […]