CryoFX Co2 Info

Can I Daisy Chain Co2 Jets or Co2 Cannons Together In A Line With Co2 Flow Through – CryoFX


Can I put co2 tanks on both sides of my system and have it flow through the co2 jets?

The answer is yes! You can put CO2 tanks on both sides of your system and have them flow through the jets. However, we highly advise against this. The reason is that – doing this not only will you have to have co2 tanks in two different areas. You’ll have an entire system hooked up. But if one of those tanks goes out before the other what’s going to happen is you’re going to be filling that tank with the other tank. Unfortunately, this is going to take away from your effect. That’s a possibility. The other possibility is you may have to configure your co2 system or daisy chain co2 jets to route all the way through any system that does that. If you have 90 degree turns on your system it’s going to inhibit the flow of co2 that gets kind of technical and it may be hard to understand.

Final Thoughts – Co2 Tanks Placement

Hence, we don’t advise putting co2 tanks on both sides of your system. Though, you can do it. We’ve seen it happen before. It will make the system run and the only time that we would advise that is if you have a long run of co2 jets in line and you want to make sure that they are all funneled in with co2 and you have to put tanks on both sides and you don’t want tanks just on one side, then you can do that. Otherwise, it’s best to have individual tanks run to individual jets. More importantly because of this if one of those jets is faulty or you have an issue or it’s stuck open or you have a leak your entire system goes down and it’s not isolated to individual systems with one jet and one set of tanks or one tank that’s a good tip. This is a pro tip and I hope that helps. This is CryoFX.